EarthFund platform update 09/26

Continuing to test the DAO creation wizard, Carbon Removal DAO approves its first projects and we take a big step towards launching the full platform

We took another exciting step toward a completely automated DAO setup platform last week đź’Ş. Read all about it here!

🌍 EarthFund
8 min readSep 26, 2022

👋 We’re EarthFund, the decentralized platform using blockchain, DAOs, and crypto to revolutionize the giving economy and give you more of a voice in the shape of tomorrow.

This is post #13 in our new weekly update on everything that happens behind the scenes at EarthFund’s (distributed) HQ.

Happy Monday, Earthlings đź‘‹

Another exciting week last week, as our team and our partners at began rigorously testing our automation DAO creation wizard.

Once the platform is live, anybody in the world will be able to launch a planet-saving, life-changing impact DAO and get set up with their own:

  • ERC-20 governance token
  • ERC-20 smart contract for the token
  • Gnosis multi-sig wallet
  • Coinshift treasury management
  • Snapshot governance system for gasless voting
  • Snapshot templates for different voting types
  • ENS subdomain
  • Subdomain on the EarthFund platform

That’s huge.

Tackling the barrier to DAO adoption (aDAOption?)

Currently, there’s a huge hurdle to starting a DAO for the kinds of people that are going to help us cross over into the Promised Land of Mass Adoption.

Knowledge: if you’re in the Web3.0 space, you probably know all about Gnosis and Snapshot. But ask your cousin or your colleague to name a platform that helps with decentralized governance without paying gas. (Better still, ask them to explain gas fees.) Most people just don’t get this space yet. We’ve all been around a while, but we’re all still super early to this tech.

That means that non-profits, charities and philanthropists are not aware that these solutions exist, let alone equipped to Google them, get set up and then integrate them with their own DAO.

So we’re leading those horses to water instead.

Ease of access: even with knowledge that you need these solutions to run a DAO, getting set up is another barrier to entry. Will people wanting to dip their toes in decentralized philanthropy spend hours going through the process of setting up their own token, wallet, smart contract, landing page, etc… on a variety of different platforms? Probably not. But look at some of Web2.0’s biggest winners: Mailchimp, Salesforce, Hubspot… they took lots of functionality and bundled them up into all-in-one solutions that didn’t just help them skyrocket, but helped uptake of email marketing and CRMs across the globe.

We believe that with the success of the Chopra Foundation’s move into Web3.0 with EarthFund and our all-in-one setup, we’ll see a similar move toward decentralized philanthropy through EarthFund.

EarthFund will become the all-in-one solution for anybody to set up, run and manage their own decentralized community for a better tomorrow.

Ease of use: Web3.0 is complex. There are no two ways about it. But just because something is complex doesn’t mean it should feel complex. We’ve spent a lot of time addressing crypto’s UX problem so that our platform feels familiar and intuitive to new users. No learning new processes, no awkward journeys, and no dense jargon.

As Steve Jobs said: “It takes a lot of hard work to make something simple, to truly understand the underlying challenges and come up with elegant solutions.” But in the end, simple always wins.

📚 Book recommendation: Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple’s Success by Ken Segall.

This has been dog-eared and read cover-to-cover by our product team throughout the process of creating the platform. It’s a great read on why building simple products (not simplistic products) is always the way to go. If you’re interested in Apple, tech or product development, it’s well worth a read.

Donations: it’s no secret that non-profits have been looking at crypto donations for a while now. Some of the bigger or savvier organizations have even set up crypto donations. But again, their wallets and their DAOs and their donation routers were disparate and all over the place. We’ve created a simple, easy-to-use platform that gives non-profits and charities everything they need out of the box to benefit from the emerging crypto philanthropy movement. (And it comes with all the extra advantages of a community and transparency that regular donations don’t.)

Test, test, and test again 🔬

Last week, we were all head down on testing the DAO creation wizard and all of its complex functionality.

Here’s where we’re at:

Max token supply for each cause: tested, approved and ready to deploy. âś…

Auto-staking into rewards pool: tested, approved and ready to deploy. âś…

Set token cap for each user: tested, approved and ready to deploy. âś…

Token minting in the future: tested, approved and ready to deploy. âś…

(This allows organizations to set up their DAO and do a launch/token drop in the future to generate buzz, promote their cause, etc…)

Restrict DAOs to only whitelisted users: tested, approved and ready to deploy. âś…

We’re also working on testing:

  • The oracles and modules needed to verify and confirm everything on-chain
  • The automated Snapshot Space generation (with strategies, etc…)
  • Automated Gnosis and Coinshift set up
  • Front-end development testing, runaway states, etc…

We’ll be uploading a video this week showing the functionality in a little more detail. Watch this space 👀

A week of productive, positive meetings

Last week, we had a number of positive calls with investors and introducers (people who manage networks of investors and vet projects for them).

As always, we have to stay tight-lipped on everything. But we’re moving forward and making progress.

As soon as we can tell you something of substance we will. In the meantime, we’ll keep checking back in to reassure you that we’re all working incredibly hard behind the scenes to secure funding and stop selling treasury tokens to fund development.

Carbon Removal DAO approves 2 community-led reforestation projects

Great news from the Carbon Removal DAO as the community voted unanimously to fund two projects in Ghana and Mozambique that focus on community-led reforestation.

You can read all about the projects here 👇

Or you can check them out on

If you’re part of the Carbon Removal DAO, keep your eyes peeled for an update this week on funding the projects and getting your rewards 👀

Big shoutout to EarthFund from Megan Pormer, biomedical engineer and host of The Megan Pormer Show 🔥

You can check out the post here

Q1. Can you elaborate on how the donation widget will work?

We’re still at work on the donation widget so we’ll keep things high-level, but it’ll work like this:

When a DAO is set up, they automatically get a donation contract, a wallet and a donation page on

We’re working on taking the infrastructure of the donation page and building embeddable code so that causes (and supporters) can take the code and quickly embed it on their websites, blogs, etc… for people to donate anywhere they come into contact with the DAO, even if it’s not on the EarthFund platform.

Q2. When are the next token drops for NeverAlone and CarbonCommons?

This is a decision made entirely by each DAO, not by EarthFund.

However, you can buy NeverAlone on Uniswap.

For Carbon Commons, the Carbon Commons team has decided to wait until after the upgrades have been made to the platform, so there’s no date set at the moment. Alison and the team will let you all know as soon as we have an update.

Q3. Is the token cap related to each transaction or per DAO?

The token caps apply to each DAO. The exact number is controlled by the DAO as they are set up, but the idea is this:

To create fairer communities that are somewhat whale-proof each person (verified by KYC) can only buy a maximum amount of tokens to vote with.

This makes it much harder for somebody to whale in, sway a vote and take an unfair lion’s share of the community rewards.

How can you help? Help us spread the word

  • Leave a positive comment on KuCoin’s new comment functionality
  • Follow us on Twitter and give our posts a like/retweet → this would be huge for us. Our Twitter profile is key to spreading the word beyond crypto and into the kind of spaces where future DAO members (and maybe even founders) hang out.
  • Join our Telegram community (if you’re not a member already)
  • Talk about EarthFund in EarthFund-adjacent spaces (maybe mental health communities or carbon/climate change communities on Twitter)
  • Tweet about EarthFund or interact with us on social media (got to feed those social media algorithms!)
  • Ask us questions — we’re always available to answer questions in Telegram. (And if our community team doesn’t have the answers, we’ll get them for you.)
  • Leave a positive comment and bullish rating on CoinMarketCap
  • Like 1Earth on CoinGecko

Until next week, a massive thanks for being part of this journey with us!

Let’s build a better tomorrow, together.

New to EarthFund? Here’s everything you need to know 👇

Start a world-changing DAO with its own token.
Join a community of like-minded people.
Donate crypto to change the world.

All from one place.

EarthFund takes the power of centralized organizations like governments and global charities and gives it to communities dedicated to causes.

It allows everyday people like you to affect change. And using crypto and the blockchain, it lets you have a voice in decisions and fund the causes you believe in.

Powering it all is the 1Earth token, an ERC-20 token that can be staked in exchange for governance tokens that give you a voice on the platform.

By buying the token and joining the EarthFund DAO, anybody in the world will have a vote on how the EarthFund treasury is used to fund planet-saving projects around the world.


We’re building a better world, together. Come join us.

Read our whitepaper

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🌍 EarthFund

Decentralizing crowdfunding to give you a real voice in your future. Join us 👉