🌍 EarthFund end-of-year review

2022 in review: EarthFund goes from idea to platform

Looking back on the year that took EarthFund from a token and an idea to a platform ready to launch thousands of world-changing communities.

🌍 EarthFund
26 min readDec 7, 2022

👋 We’re EarthFund, the decentralized platform using blockchain, DAOs, and crypto to revolutionize the giving economy and give you more of a voice in the shape of tomorrow.

In this post, we’re looking back on everything we achieved in 2022, from building out the product to promoting the platform to partnering up with some giants of Web3 and philanthropy.

Hey Earthlings! đź‘‹

Happy holidays!

After what has undoubtedly been an eventful year for EarthFund and for crypto, we wanted to take a look back at everything that’s happened to take stock, reflect on how far we’ve come in 12 months and look towards everything we’re setting our sights on for 2023.

But before we do that, we just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to you all for your support over these past 12 months.

There’s no getting around the fact that 2022 has been a turbulent, difficult year for the crypto industry. And for young projects just getting off the ground, things have been even tougher.

But thanks to our “bear or bull, we build” approach and the support and patience of our community, we’ve reached the summit with a platform that we all believe has the potential to become one of the Web3 giants over the next 12–24 months.

🌍 The EarthFund platform is just having some minor tweaks and shoring up of the smart contracts as we speak, then it’ll be ready to start launching world-saving DAOs automatically

🌍 Our partnerships with Coinshift, Chopra Foundation, Simplex, etc… are still going strong.

🌍 The treasury has sold all of the tokens set aside for development with a circulating supply of 598M. (We’re working with CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap to get it updated.)

🌍 We have 3,000+ DAO founders on our waitlist ready to launch DAOs when the platform goes fully live

🌍 Conversations with investors are heading in a positive direction and we’re looking to raise between $12M and $15M of VC funding to continue building and growing the platform

🌍 We’re working on a roadmap for new features and functionality that will make the platform even better, simpler and more accessible.

None of this would have been possible without your support, your suggestions and your belief in the team, project and platform.

So, from everybody here at EarthFund, we want to say a huge thank you. Here’s to an even better 2023! 🙌

January 2022: setting the wheels in motion

1Earth only launched on KuCoin on November 18 2021 and then we had the holidays, so the first month of 2022 was spent getting our ducks in a row, kicking off our collaboration with UI8 and making sure we set the project up for success.

EarthFund featured on Yahoo! Finance TV

EarthFund advisor Marc LoPresti appeared on Yahoo! Finance TV to discuss “What to expect from DAOs in 2022” and shared the EarthFund commercial as well as namedropping the project. Some great early press to establish legitimacy.

Collaborating with UI8 on the brand and platform

From Day One, our mission has been to make the transformative power of crypto and decentralization accessible and easy to use. So when it came to finding a partner to build our platform, it was a no-brainer to go with UI8, the best UI agency in the world.

UI8 is very selective about the clients they work with, so we were over the moon when they agreed to work with us.

Here’s what Dash, the founder of UI8, said about teaming up 👇

“We jumped at the opportunity to work with EarthFund because we’re hugely excited by what they’re building. It’s not just another DAO or crypto app, it’s an app built on the blockchain with the scope of something like Facebook. It has the potential to be huge, and we can’t wait to help make sure the UI guides even new users through the process of getting involved and helping make the world a better place.”

January saw us breaking ground on the platform in a real way, laying the foundations for the platform to go live imminently.EarthFund staking protocol goes live

Staking your tokens to have a say is a core part of being a DAO and in January, we pushed our staking protocol live, giving everyone the ability to stake their 1Earth, earn a yield, and have a say on any EarthFund DAO proposals.

EarthFund invited to speak at BattleFin Miami

BattleFin Miami is an event designed to bring together top hedge funds, VCs and crypto-native investor funds to explore the year ahead in the world of decentralization, and our man Alex V was there to speak on the panel of “Defining the DAO”, an explainer on the potential of DAOs to an audience of whales and potential investors.

EarthFund DAO passes first vote to extend the vesting

In the original tokenomics, all team, seed, and private sale tokens were supposed to start vesting in April 2021.

However, after our bumpy start on KuCoin, we wanted to protect the interests of the project and push that vesting back to November 2021 to give the project time to gather steam. (We’ve since pushed it back to November 2023, too.)

This vote passing unanimously wasn’t just a huge show of faith from our investors and our team in the product we’re building, it was our first great example of why DAOs are the future: putting this decision up for a vote allowed us to quickly take decisive action that added real value to the project and improves the opportunity for all of our investors.

(And it’s a decision that definitely wouldn’t have been so fast or decisive in a traditional company.)

Read more about it here 👇

February 2022: spreading the word

While our internal product team and UI8 continued to collaborate and work on how to simplify the entire platform, our marketing and leadership team spent February continuing to spread the word about EarthFund and establish brand recognition.

Talking all things DAO and EarthFund at ETHDenver

Packing up his microphone, Alex V headed to ETHDenver to spread the word about EarthFund, our mission, and the platform we were building.

Started work on the v.2 earthfund.io website

Our early website was a great explainer of the idea behind EarthFund. But in February 2022, we launched a new look website that was a much better example of what EarthFund was going to become.

New graphics, new font, screenshots of the UI elements, gifs and animated sections to show functionality…

In short, it was our first statement of intent that we want to be one of the big players in the space. And a proper, professional website was the first key piece of that puzzle.

Keen eyes will also notice that we switched from Earth Fund to EarthFund at this stage. Why? Because it was cleaner.

“Drop the space. Just EarthFund. It’s cleaner.”

March was a HUGE month for EarthFund with some huge partnerships, our new website went live, the premiere of our promo video at WBS Dubai, some high-profile publicity and a listing on a new Top 10 exchange. 🚀

EarthFund partners with The Chopra Foundation

The Chopra Foundation saw the potential of our platform very early on and signed up to be our first DAO.

The NeverAlone DAO for Mental Health and Wellbeing was created by the Chopra Foundation and NeverAlone to help fund and support global projects that tackle the mental health crisis.

Upon launch, Adam Boalt, our co-founder said: “We’re honored to have NeverAlone as the first cause token to launch on our platform. We started EarthFund to build a platform that lets everybody have more of a voice in the things that matter to them and that perfectly lines up with NeverAlone’s mission of creating a global movement supporting mental and emotional wellbeing. We knew that this partnership was a great fit from our very first meeting, and we can’t wait to see what the NeverAlone community does for such an important cause.”

Deepak Chopra, MD — founder of The Chopra Foundation and NeverAlone, added:

“I believe that each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and are here to contribute. That’s why we chose to collaborate with EarthFund, a platform that gives everyone the ability to participate and have a voice in making a more sustainable, peaceful, healthier and joyful world.”

And a few months later, their DAO was live. You can check it out here: neveralone.earthfund.io.

(But more on that later.)

EarthFund featured in CoinTelegraph, Times of India, Associated Press, Yahoo! Finance and more…

Our partnership with The Chopra Foundation brought us a lot of press and attention, with coverage in several Tier 1 publications.

Here’s what CoinTelegraph said about the partnership…

“A giant step towards mass adoption” 🚀

1Earth launches on Gate.io 🔥

After our exclusive KuCoin launch, we added Gate.io to our list of exchanges listing and selling 1Earth to make it even easier to join our community and help us shape the future of the platform.

(In 2023, we want to add more big exchanges to our roster.)

EarthFund partners with Simplex to make it easy to buy 1Earth with a credit/debit card from earthfund.io

We’ve always been laser-focused on making it easy for anyone — not just cryptoheads or ETH maxis — to get involved with decentralized decision-making and doing good.

That’s why we partnered up with Simplex to make it possible to buy 1Earth directly from earthfund.io without needing an account on an exchange.

Just visit the website, connect your wallet and pay for 1Earth or ETH with your credit or debit card and you’re good to go.

Another HUGE step we took this year towards accessibility and mass adoption.

earthfund.io v.2 goes live 🚀

In March, our shiny new website hit the internet and immediately saw an uptick in visitors, dwell time, and all that other good analytics stuff.

It also gave us the opportunity to showcase the platform and premiere our awesome new promotional video, The Power is in Your Voice.

In case you haven’t seen it, here it is again 👇

EarthFund sponsors WBS Dubai

March also saw us sponsor the World Blockchain Summit in Dubai and premiere our video to a global group of crypto and blockchain founders, leaders and investors.

Here’s our man Alex V with more information on how we spread the word 👇

EarthFund takes over NFT Miami and Bitcoin Miami 🌴

Hot on the heels of sponsoring WBS Dubai, EarthFund took over Miami’s crypto month in style, sponsoring events, spreading the word and hosting parties with crypto influencers, celebrities, and thought leaders like Mark Cuban, Mayor Suarez and

We also took over the city by land, sea, and air to make sure that everybody there knew our name and our mission.

(Plus, we sponsored gigs and concerts by Wyclef Jean, French Montana, Bassjackers, and Diplo.)

Here are a few of our favorite highlights from a crazy couple of weeks 👇

Here are our trucks taking over the streets of Miami and Alex V talking EarthFund with Wyclef Jean 🔥
Here’s Diplo playing the official kickoff party, sponsored by EarthFund
How cool is this?
EarthFund platform launch party attended by influencers, thought leaders and crypto founders 🔥

EarthFund picks up some celebrity followers đź‘€

What do Mark Cuban, Ashton Kutcher, Selma Blair, Howie Mandell, Nicky Hilton, Tommy Hilfiger, and Kelly Osbourne have in common?

They all started following EarthFund on Twitter or Instagram in April! 🔥

EarthFund spreads the word at Consensys and Permissionless conferences

While our product team and UI8 worked on the direction, user journeys and UI of the platform, we continued to spread the word about EarthFund at major crypto conferences around the country. In May, it was Alex V’s turn to hit up Consensys and Permissionless.

(June and July were dedicated to rolling out the platform and promoting our first DAO, so it made sense to combine them into one.)

EarthFund featured on CNBC news 🔥

Thanks to our partnership with The Chopra Foundation, EarthFund was featured in another Tier 1, massive publication: CNBC.

Here’s Deepak Chopra talking about crypto, EarthFund and decentralization 👇

The NeverAlone DAO and EarthFund goes live 🚀

The philosophy behind EarthFund is that everybody deserves a voice and everybody deserves to have a say and a meaningful voice in the shape of tomorrow.

And with nearly 1 in 5 American adults living with mental health issues — not to mention the rise in mental health conditions around the world — it was clear that the world could be doing more to support those that need it the most.

That’s why we teamed up with Deepak Chopra and his foundation to help create a global community dedicated to finding and funding mental health projects around the world.

Featured in Investing.com, CoinMarketCap and TechStartups. (Plus 17 more pieces of coverage!)

$110K+ of crypto donations in under 24 hours 🚀

Less than 24 hours after the cause launched, it had received over $110K in crypto donations.

Raising over $100K in 24 hours? Successful token launch? Check.

Funding the future of suicide prevention đź’š

NeverAlone DAO’s first proposal was to give $100,000 to the creation and improvement of a chatbox that uses AI technology to tackle suicide prevention and reach people who are unable or unwilling to speak to a human therapist.

That app — called PIWI — is already changing and saving lives:

And the money from the NeverAlone community isn’t just going to go towards improving the app, but translating it and spreading it around the world too.

In a way, this first project epitomizes what we hoped EarthFund would be: a dedicated community funding an exciting project that helps improve the lives of people all around the world.

Here’s a Twitter Space with X2AI — the company developing the app — talking more about it:

If you’re in a hurry, here are a few of our favorite quotes:

“This can really be a grassroots movement where anyone in their community, if something’s happened and they want to take action, they can very quickly raise money and then steer our awareness to that area.”

Michiel Rauws, founder of X2AI and Cass.ai

“I’m excited about a world where no one feels helpless or hopeless, and that’s really the power of the technology and the power of the platform.”

Poonacha Machaiah, co-founder of the Mental Health and Wellbeing cause

“We have this incredible partnership with Earthfund that we are honored and very grateful for, because we are discovering and paving the way for nonprofits in the web3 space.”
Gabriella Wright, co-founder of the Mental Health and Wellbeing cause

$7,000 USDT of rewards for the NeverAlone community

Thanks to the super-fast fundraising of $116,014.62 during the first 24 hours the cause was live, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Cause had enough in its treasury to fund the project and the community rewards.

EarthFund earns its first bit of revenue and proves our idea out🚀

It’s also worth noting that EarthFund has made its first piece of revenue now with a 3% fee from this project.

It was a small figure, but a big milestone.

As more causes join and more projects get funded, we’ll have more money to fund further development, which will lead to more causes, more projects getting funded and the world becoming a better place, one project at a time.

For the EarthFund team, this was a huge moment.

Not only are the community earning an average of $130 USDT each for participating and making the world a better place, but it’s a huge proof of concept moment for us.

With just one cause and one project, we’ve proven out:

  • That decentralized crowdfunding is viable and effective (over $100K raised in under 24 hours)
  • That decentralized communities for good are the future (a major organization like Chopra Foundation said as much on this Twitter Space)
  • That you can reward communities for making a difference. ($5 in NeverAlone has yielded $130 in rewards so far. As the cause funds more projects, those rewards will continue to grow.)

TLDR: Do good. Feel good. Get rewarded.

📱 $100K went to fund further development of PIWI, an open-source chatbot that helps prevent suicide.

đź’° $130 on average went to everybody who staked their NeverAlone tokens (or got them during the community drop) and helped create a community around Mental Health and Wellbeing.

🚀 This proof of concept — philanthropy + community + rewards — was huge for us. It vindicated everything we’ve built so far. And this was only the beginning.

A huge Twitter Space with EarthFund and Deepak Chopra đź’¬

In July, we threw a huge Twitter Space to discuss all things DAOs, and decentralization with Deepak Chopra and The Chopra Foundation.

Don’t have time to listen to the whole thing? Catch the highlights here 👇

ERC-20 donations go live! 🔥

As of August 2022, you can donate any ERC-20 token to any cause on the EarthFund platform and it’ll get automatically converted to USDT and added to the cause treasury.

(Well, technically, it gets added to the thin wallet of the donation contract and is held until the grant amount is complete. Then it gets broken up into the grant, the EarthFund fee and the community rewards.)

But technicalities aside, it means that donating to world-changing DAOs is as simple as:

âś… Having ERC-20 tokens in your wallet

âś… Choosing how much (and which token) you want to donate

âś… Signing two transactions in your wallet

That’s it!

Before our team came up with the innovative wrapper, donating USDT to a DAO involved either:

  1. Donating USDT directly to a wallet from your wallet — a barrier to entry for new users or crypto newbies.
  2. Donating in an ERC-20 token, having the donation router convert to USDTm receiving USDT back in your wallet, donating that USDT.

Donations are the lifeblood of every cause on the platform, so we were super excited that we’d cracked this nut and created an intuitive, simple donation flow.

In fact, it’s almost as easy to donate ETH, DAI, UNI or your favorite sh*tcoin as it is to go onto GoFundMe and donate fiat. That’s a huge win for mass adoption. 🙌

Announcing our partnership with Coinshift

Our goal has always been making DAOs simple, so it made complete sense to partner up with Coinshift, the leading treasury management and infrastructure platform that will help every DAO on the platform manage their treasuries with ease.

Here’s what Coinshift’s CEO, Tarun Gupta, said about the partnership:

We couldn’t be happier to have partnered with EarthFund.

We’ve always believed in the transformative power of DAOs and EarthFund could be the platform that takes DAOs mainstream.

Every step of the process — from onboarding all the way to treasury management powered by our V2 — is intuitive and simple for even new crypto users, without sacrificing the power of decentralized communities.

And as the platform partners with more causes dedicated to making the world a better place, we’re proud to play a role in helping these decentralized communities fund projects that can make the world a better place for everyone.

We’ve been working with them not just on making treasury management easier but on co-marketing opportunities.

In fact, we kicked the partnership off with features in CoinDesk, Business Insider and Pyments.

Hosting a Twitter Space with Coinshift

In August, we continued to build on that partnership with an appearance on their Twitter AMA to talk about how DAOs can help fund world-changing projects.

Missed it? You can listen here!

Our second DAO, the CarbonCommons DAO, goes live 🌳

Another big moment for us, our second DAO went live in August 🚀

Founded by Dr.Lucy Tweed and now run by Alison and Dr Jamillah Merrick (after Dr. Tweed began a full-time carbon removal research role at Cambridge University), the CarbonCommons DAO was set up to fund carbon removal projects run by (or with direct involvement of) communities that rebalance the carbon cycle by:

  • Protecting existing carbon-rich ecosystems
  • Restoring ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, mangroves, and sea-grass beds
  • Regenerating soils through regenerative agriculture
  • Piloting new approaches to carbon removal such as biochar and enhanced weathering

The CarbonCommons DAO cause’s mission is to support communities around the world to reclaim the sovereignty of their land by funding nature-based carbon removal projects that put local livelihoods and environmental justice front and center.


As an organization, our marketing strategy has always been “substance over hype”.

And while the ascent of that strategy might be slower, the highs are more sustainable when you’ve done things right.

At the core of that strategy, we have the 3 Ps. Great product. Great partnerships. Great PR.

We’re building a truly innovative, game-changing product that will sell itself.

We’ve already secured great partnerships with Coinshift, Gnosis and The Chopra Foundation.

And in September, we achieved our BHAG PR goal: appearing in Forbes.

Now, granted, it’s not the feature we’re going for. (One day!)

But we got 150 words talking about our platform and a quote from our co-founder Adam Boalt in an article likely to be read by crypto-sceptics.

In Forbes.

The same publication was synonymous with success and great businesses.

The same publication that has over 150M readers every month.

The same publication that is very hard to even get a mention in.

And it’s not just Forbes that have spoken about us. Look at some of the huge publications that have spoken about our project 👀

Forbes. CNBC. Associated Press. Business Insider… 🔥

Hosting a Twitter Space with NeverAlone and the Patriotic Service Dog Foundation đź‘‚

In the US, 22 veterans a day lose their life to suicide. Service dogs can help. That’s why the NeverAlone DAO’s second proposed grant paired a veteran with a service dog trained to ease PTSD symptoms.

In September, The Chopra Foundation and EarthFund co-hosted a Twitter Space with the Patriotic Service Dog Foundation to talk all things DAOs, dogs and decentralized philanthropy.

Missed it? You can listen back here.

Getting ready for VC fundraising

September also saw the start of our ramp up to secure fundraising with our advisory team taking initial calls and preparing the investment deck.

Carbon Removal DAO approved 2 community-led reforestation projects 🌳

Great news from the Carbon Removal DAO in September as the community voted unanimously to fund two projects in Ghana and Mozambique that focus on community-led reforestation.

You can read all about the projects here 👇

Or you can check them out on carboncommons.earthfund.io.

Here’s what Ben at Angry Teenagers has already said about the Carbon Removal DAO’s donation and impact:

“Thanks to the EarthFund’s donation we will be able to plant 600 trees at a site in Ghana where a rich forest ecosystem has been destroyed by logging. We’ll work with young people in the community to plant the trees, and ensure that the community benefits from the new forest, so that it will remain there forever.”

The DAO has already funded the planting of 600 trees to start, covering around 400 m2. However, as carbon credit revenue comes in, more trees will be planted as a result of the DAO’s initial grant.

You can check the progress of the planting via the NFTs here.

One reason the Carbon Removal DAO wanted to support this is project is that it makes innovative use of blockchain technology to improve accountability. The link above may not look like much now, but soon we’ll all be able to see the exact 400 m2 the donation paid to reforest and track the progress of the project over time.

The platform enters end-to-end testing 🙌

October saw some very exciting developments with the platform entering the final stage of testing. This means that all the individual components and back-end tech we’d built had been tested one by one. Now we were testing the platform as a whole before we move into the deployment, rollout and growth phases of our roadmap.

Despite setbacks, hurdles, and all the other challenges that come with doing something that has never been done before, we were now very close to launching a fully automated DAO in a box that allows anybody to set up and launch impact DAOs without needing to do any coding whatsoever.

That’s not just huge for mass adoption, but huge for the planet too. We’ve built a new infrastructure for philanthropy and worked really hard to remove every single barrier to entry.

This was the home stretch. We were nearly there.

Rewarding the CarbonCommons DAO in USDT for funding reforestation

Another big moment! The CarbonCommons DAO received their USDT rewards for finding and funding two incredible reforestation projects in Africa.

Megan Pormer launches the Female Empowerment DAO

Megan Pormer — host of The Megan Pormer Show — reached out to us in October for help raising money to send 4 women who have suffered abuse and trauma to a 3–day event to help them heal and overcome their past.

(These women are going to be the subject of a documentary on Fox to raise awareness of the issue.)

We saw this as a perfect opportunity to test the platform end-to-end and make a real difference with microgrants dedicated to a good cause.

So, Megan launched the Female Empowerment DAO to raise the money for this project and get EarthFund featured in the documentary on Fox, featured on The Megan Pormer Show, and promoted to Megan’s 6M+ social media followers, further establishing EarthFund as the platform you go to when you want to make a difference.

NeverAlone DAO funds a PTSD project and rewards its members

At the end of October, the NeverAlone DAO funded a $30,000 grant to help tackle PTSD and TBI in US veterans.

Want to find out more? You can listen to our Twitter Space with The Chopra Foundation and Patriotic Service Dog Foundation here.

EarthFund DAO pushes back the vesting of the team, private and seed tokens (again) 🙌

Granular but important moment in October: the vote to push back the vesting schedule of the team and private sale tokens passed. That means those tokens won’t start their 5-year unlock for another year. 🙌

That washuge for the project and another show of the faith that the investors and team have in the long-term prospects of this product.

Shiny new EarthFund website that changed our positioning to a Web3.0 SaaS company

Our previous website did a fantastic job of selling the vision.

But as we leave the Build Phase and enter the Grow Phase, we don’t need to sell the vision.

We need to start selling the product and what makes it such an obvious choice for people who want to start a DAO.

So, we launched a new website that positions EarthFund as a “Web3.0 SaaS platform for raising money, building decentralized communities and rewarding people for making the world a better place”.

As with any positioning switch, there’s likely going to be some A/B testing and tweaks to get it dialled in going into 2023, but we’re in safe hands. Our strategy team have handled positioning, messaging and copy for brands like Discord, Merck, Futureswap, Aurox, World Mobile, Vodafone, Brain.fm and more.

The changes we’ve made 👇

A new homepage: far more SaaS-focused homepage with social proof, benefits-led copy on the features of the platform and some high-level positioning copy.

A new how it works page: DAOs are new to lots of people. We’ve made it super simple to understand how to get involved (and why) on a clear, simple landing page.

A new pricing page: all of the out-of-the-box functionality is free-to-use, but some DAOs might want a little extra help. That’s where our support packages come in. (Note: we’re still fine-tuning these offerings.)

An improved DAO-in-a-box page: some copy edits and fine-tuning based on user and community feedback.

An improved Donate crypto page: added new information on our plans for donation receipts to help with tax returns.

A new page about safer Web3.0: safety is a huge barrier to mass adoption. Every time a pump-and-dump or scam hits mainstream news, new Web3.0 users (both DAO founders and DAO members) are put off getting involved. We’re trying to change that by creating safe environments for doing good.

A new rewards page: we’ve spent a lot of time building a smart contract that is really smart in the way it handles grants, rewards and payments. (It does cool stuff like making sure the collectors pay gas, that projects get auto-added to the queue, and making sure the smart contract checks the treasury balance and releases rewards and grants as the funds become available…) but users don’t care about that. Instead, we highlighted how it works for the end user and, again, make the platform as simple as possible.

A new about us/team page: investors (both retail and VC) care about the team behind the project. And we’ve got a really impressive team. So we designed a new About Page to draw attention to the strength we have behind the scenes.

A new press page: Forbes, CNBC, CoinDesk, Associated Press, Business Insider, CoinTelegraph… EarthFund has had lots of Tier 1 coverage and we want to highlight that.

Vote passes to form a new company for VC fundraising 🚀

Since September, we’ve been meeting with investors to secure between $12M and $15M in venture capital to continue the development and growth of the EarthFund platform.

Due to the legal uncertainty of DAOs, the role of the EarthFund DAO was another barrier for investors. As such, our advisors have recommended establishing a new company — EarthFund Inc — to own and control the assets and intellectual property of EarthFund.

So we put this to the EarthFund DAO and it passed 🙌

Now, we’re still fine-tuning a couple of details, but very soon, the EarthFund platform will let anybody start a DAO with absolutely no need to understand smart contracts, Solidity code, how to mint a crypto token, etc…

This is huge.

We’ve spent the last year building a platform that makes launching a DAO, raising money, and getting rewarded for making a difference simple.

Why? While crypto natives and tech-heads might understand how to set up or join a DAO, most people don’t.

We’ve taken all of the prep, research and complications out of launching a DAO and then built the tools you need not just to launch a DAO, but to launch a DAO with everything you need to be successful and fund world-changing projects.

Here’s a quick look at everything you get when you set up a DAO through the EarthFund platform 👇

  • A DAO with automatically set up Snapshot
  • Your own ERC-20 token with its own smart contract
  • Your own smart contract that automatically processes grants, votes and rewards
  • Your own ENS domain and EarthFund domain
  • A Gnosis multi-sig wallet
  • A Coinshift treasury management
  • A crypto donation widget that converts donations to USDT and adds it directly to your grant wallet to protect against market fluctuations
  • Customizable tokenomics to reward your members
  • Smooth onboarding and offboarding for DAO members and co-founders
  • KYC processes to grow a community safe from scammers
  • Token limits to prevent whales from influencing votes and claiming all the rewards
  • An automatic rewards process that rewards users in USDT
  • A listing on the EarthFund ecosystem and discovery page alongside DAOs from Deepak Chopra and Megan Pormer
  • Promotion from EarthFund on Twitter (with lots of blue-tick followers, like Mark Cuban and Ashton Kutcher) and in our press coverage
  • Your own private Discord channel on the EarthFund server that’s reserved for your token holders and DAO members
  • Your own no-code landing page with Unsplash integration for images
  • A quick and easy way to list your token on CoinMarketCap and Etherscan
  • A quick and easy way to add team members as multi-sig signatories

Why is this such massive news? 👇

EarthFund lowers the barrier to entry for starting a DAO.

Having an all-in-one platform to launch a DAO with everything you need saves new DAO founders a lot of mental energy.

Imagine this: a busy non-profit or activist wants to start a DAO so they head to Google and type in “How to start a DAO”.

Cutting through the dense language, they eventually work out that they have to mint a token, find a place to host their community, set up a Snapshot, set up a treasury, set up a wallet, figure out tokenomics, etc…

Even if they understand all the component parts, it feels overwhelming.

There are lots of moving parts that could go wrong.

It’s complicated.

It’s daunting.

And it’s time-consuming. (And humans are notoriously bad at delayed gratification.)

Even if somebody knows their Snapshot from their Etherscan, they’re still looking down the barrel of hours and hours of manual, confusing and sometimes hair-pulling work to launch a DAO. (Trust us, we’ve done it the hard way. That’s what led us here.)

With EarthFund, they can get everything set up, launched and on-chain in 5 minutes or less.

In other words, EarthFund solves the Paradox of Choice that users have when starting a DAO by bringing everything under one roof. (TLDR: having many options to choose from, rather than making users happy and ensuring they get what they want instead causes stress and indecision.)

On the EarthFund platform, all DAO founders need to handle are the important decisions (like token name, landing page, etc…), then they let the platform do all of the complicated back-end stuff automatically.

Just look how simple it is 👇

Drag, drop and edit until you’ve created your perfect DAO homepage.

Following on from an incredible 2022

Despite the bear market, we’ve managed to deliver on every one of our big promises in 2022:

âś… Create an intuitive, user-friendly DAO launchpad

âś… Create a simple donation widget to donate any ERC-20 tokens to any DAO

âś… Launch successful beta DAOs with influencers and activists

âś… Fund world-changing projects

âś… Raise $172.5K in crypto donations (we wanted to raise $100K to test the platform)

âś… Send $9.5K in community rewards to show that you can do good and get rewarded

✅ Secure high-profile press coverage in Forbes, CNBC, Associated Press, CoinMarketCap, CoinTelegraph, CoinDesk and more…

âś… Secure strategic partnerships with Web3 leaders and non-profits

And as we head into 2023, we’re only just getting started.

In the next 1–3 years, we want to achieve:

🌍 Securing VC funding of around $12–15M to continue building and growing the platform

(Note: we’re not rushed to find an investor. We know that the FTX controversy has had an impact on the market so we’re being patient, waiting for the right partner and the right terms.)

🌍 Launch 1,000 DAOs

🌍 Raise $100M in donations

🌍 Fund 20,000+ world-changing projects

🌍 Send $7M in community rewards

🌍 Get 1Earth listed on more major exchanges

Again, we just want to say a massive thank you!

We’ve achieved a lot this year, but it hasn’t been easy.

With market conditions, only projects with strong communities have weathered the storm.

So thank you.

From everyone here at EarthFund, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season with plenty of time to rest and relax before another exciting year next year.

Here’s to an even better 2023 🍾

Let’s build a better tomorrow, together.

New to EarthFund? Here’s everything you need to know 👇

Start a world-changing DAO with its own token.
Join a community of like-minded people.
Donate crypto to change the world.

All from one place.

EarthFund takes the power of centralized organizations like governments and global charities and gives it to communities dedicated to causes.

It allows everyday people like you to affect change. And using crypto and the blockchain, it lets you have a voice in decisions and fund the causes you believe in.

Powering it all is the 1Earth token, an ERC-20 token that can be staked in exchange for governance tokens that give you a voice on the platform.

By buying the token and joining the EarthFund DAO, anybody in the world will have a vote on how the EarthFund treasury is used to fund planet-saving projects around the world.


We’re building a better world, together. Come join us.

Read our whitepaper

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🌍 EarthFund

Decentralizing crowdfunding to give you a real voice in your future. Join us 👉 https://discord.gg/earthfund